Saturday, June 25, 2011

Shut. Up.

bark bark bark bark bark

My dog doesn't shut up. Stupid dog. All she does is walk in front of me while playing my XB and put her butt in my line of vision. Then when you don't pay attention, she's like yipyipyipyip. If I wanted to deal with this shit, I'd get a roommate.


Fraternitus Boyicus

Kris: and hence forth, every Friday night shall be Beer Pong Friday. Much booze shall be had. So decreeth our brethren.

Dinah: And, he who shalt partake of the ass of the grabbing thenceforce must proceed with caution, for the damsels grow much weary of the knights in shining Abercrombie.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

P-P-P-Poker Face

You haven't lived until you've seen your British District Manager dancing to Lady Gaga in the middle of your store on a busy day. Needless to say, I've lived a lot.

You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry
